

feeling depressed everyday and night.
it had already about 3 days i am feeling down. 
because of my study.
because of my family issues.
because of my friends.

i am a very talkative person in my friend circle i think, the most.
and i enjoyed to make new friends.
yea. the real friends.
not the hi-bye friends in my life.
i wanna find out someone who can stand by me.
but i find the wrong ways.

also, the wrong person.
i am very depressed to C.
normally, the people lives in C extreme faces with the issue that might or was harm their people and country.
i respect to their patriotism.
however, their attitude is over i think.
they dont even know how to respect others.
and their only blame others.
did they see and know what they need to be change?
they dont.

and my friend also blame M bcoz of 073HM.
although i think M is very bad nowadays.
the worst time in M since i born i think.
but, i felt sad too bcoz this incident, not only the C people will sad
 to their people gone.
they are belong to the same country
but i am not.
i am a human too
i know what kind of feeling when the dearest families leave us
i know how terrible will if the families passed away
i know
i know that feeling although i am not C's people
although i am just 19 years old

i dun want to say too much about something bad that i faced
that was happened dramatically.
usually the people wont easily trust my story
although it is only a small issue that i faced in my life
but i feel stresses
even hopelessness

there are too self-fish.
the society.
the school.
the workplace.

hope the world will be change
but it is really a big daydream and impossible.
"a good heart is better than good brain"
try to be nicely and kindness when threat my classmate, housemate, and my friends.
i love my families.
i always angry with them to let off steam
this is also not good
i gonna change it.
show out, u will never do the wrongs
is better than say much sorry to ur dearest.

i feel sad, disappointed, depressed.
i cried
and try to voice out my feelings
and i did so.
i met a person who is very kindness and support my right
ok. he never support me but he told me that my C friend are bad.
i think he is try to cheer me up
also, he is really beh tahan

he is a american C.
so that he hold different view with the C and A
he have his own ideas
who is right
who is wrong

thanks again to you. lol
i met many kindness people when i feel down and express it through bottle
bottle wechat-.-
although they say there had a lot hentai
haha masher?
dunnoe lah hahaaha

when i feel depressed. i always express my feeling through bottle
i love to talk
chit chat

because still have somebody wont leave you alone
and also
they will try to cheer u up sometimes
lol, there are a lots kindness person too

and i always met with them
thanks god ( i means NAWUEMITUOFO)

i have a few friends only
the my best friend is rilee and pingyee
but rilee start her new environment and meet the new friend now
she get more new friends in her life
it s great
i m happy with her
however i am sad bcoz i already not her best friend anymore
she have a new best friend now
i am sad to heard that
they re try to joke with me i think
nobody will use the friendship to make others feel sad right??

i am very sad
almost cry again hahahaa
that level i sad
i gonna cry
but in the class

final is coming soon
but i always think the unimportant things
wasted my times
time is gold, please use wisely as you can
you did well before isnt it?

nope. hahahaha

but this time is the worst i think.
truth, i dun even lie
gagal gagal

by, bitch LSF

okk, i damn missing you
but u hate me so much i noe about it

because i am enthusiasm
much over

feeling bad when i think u re right again and again
i damn miss you
hope you have a good and happy future
u can be a successful woman haha

i m still fool

fighting TYN!!!
u can do well okey
believe urself and try your best
the god is be your side


Y1S1 week 14 saturday  18:12 PM

batery remaining 10%

.okey bye


